Modules function just like lessons, however, modules are created for a specific customer who requires a predetermined set of tasks and compliance. To create modules, you will need to select the tasks that the
customer’s trainees must complete in order to meet the proper standard.
To learn more about creating modules, refer to the information below.
To create a module, click on the CREATE MODULE button. - Module Name
This will open a window where you will need to enter a module name and select an aircraft type, customer and module type. - Aircraft Type
Select the aircraft type from the drop-down list. - Customer
Select the customer for which this module will be created. - Classroom
Select the classroom module type for modules that will take place in a classroom. - Simulator
Select the simulator module type for modules that will take place in a simulator. - CREATE Button
Click on the CREATE button to create the lesson. - New Lesson
Once you’ve clicked the CREATE button, you’ll be able to see your newly created module at the top of the list. - Draft Status
You’ll also notice that the Module status will remain in Draft until it is edited and submitted for approval.
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