Unlike tasks, indications are guidelines, reminders and helpful hints directed to the instructor to help them throughout the module. Indications work in conjunction with tasks to ensure that nothing is missed.
To learn more about adding indications, review the information below.
- Viewing Indications
To view the indications, click on the Indications link located next to the Tasks link to view all available indications. - Selecting an Indication
Once the available indications appear, you can choose one from the list and drag it to the plan of action under the desired task. - Indication Added to POA
Once the indication has been added, the only edits that can be made (after clicking on the blue arrow) are to the indication’s title and description.
For a printer-friendly version of this content, please refer to the CAERiseEditor_MODULES_05_Adding Indications document attached to this article.
For more information, visit the CAE Rise Editor section.