To ensure that customers can keep accurate records of all their trainees, Rise Editor provides customers with the ability to create a digital form.
This form outlines the plan of action that will be linked to a training module to ensure that no task is missed and that an appropriate raining record is produced.
To learn more about uploading a form, review the following content.
- Customers Section
Click on the Customers section. - Customer Name
Select the customer for which you would like to upload a form. - Forms Tab
From the Customer profile, select the Forms tabs. - Upload Form Button
Click on the + Upload Form button. - Upload Form Menu
Once you’ve clicked the + Upload Form button, you’ll open the Upload Form menu that will allow you to select the form you would like to upload. It will also require you to enter a name for the Form, its revision number, and the grading scheme. It will also ask if the form is designed for multiple sessions. - Once you uploaded the file and entered all the details for your form, click on the Upload button that will be blue once all the required information is there.
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