If you see the “Error 403 – Forbidden” message, you are attempting to access the old TCA environment and your access has been blocked. Ensure that your browser address bar contains the following address: https://customerwebapp-prod.azurewebsites.net/.
Once you’re in the right environment, you can submit your TCA form in one of two ways, however, the easiest way is to connect to the CAE Terminal Portal using your account.
1st Option – CAE Terminal
- Log in to CAE Terminal Portal.
- Navigate to the Reservations page, where you will find the reservation for which you want to submit the TCA.
- You will find the link to fill out the TCA in the reservations list.
2nd Option – Replacing the URL
- The address you are trying to access should look like the following:
- Replace the red portion of the URL with the new address as shown in the example below:
- Press Enter, and you should be redirected to the login screen.
- Follow the login process and you will then see the TCA Status page.
If any of these options did not work for you, you can contact your AE/CAO, and ask them to resend your TCA notification email. They will be happy to help you out.